We watched Annie, Drew and Beau this weekend and had a great time! We went to Target, the play area at the mall and Z'Mariks (kids eat free on Saturdays!). We're pretty sure Beau ate more than this older brother and sister combined! At one point Uncle T said, "Do you think he's like a goldfish and he doesn't know when to stop eating?" Annie and her Uncle T were throwing a ball up in the air and trying to catch it. If they missed Wrigley was right there to take it from them. They were both giggling so I just had to get out the camera. Damon and Beau spent most of their time on the PS3 (no surprise there). Beau was great and mostly played with the football. We ended the night with Star Wars II.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Cousins Weekend
We watched Annie, Drew and Beau this weekend and had a great time! We went to Target, the play area at the mall and Z'Mariks (kids eat free on Saturdays!). We're pretty sure Beau ate more than this older brother and sister combined! At one point Uncle T said, "Do you think he's like a goldfish and he doesn't know when to stop eating?" Annie and her Uncle T were throwing a ball up in the air and trying to catch it. If they missed Wrigley was right there to take it from them. They were both giggling so I just had to get out the camera. Damon and Beau spent most of their time on the PS3 (no surprise there). Beau was great and mostly played with the football. We ended the night with Star Wars II.
Valentine's Day
Terry surprised me when he showed up at my work with flowers in hand. They're beautiful and of course he remembered to include my favorites, the gerbera daisy! Damon and Wrigs also sent tulips to Grandma and Grandpa....Grandma said they're beautiful. Damon also received a BOX of stuff from Grandma and Grandpa (pictures of those items coming soon). Grandma Trish, Aunt Kay and Aunt Dorothy also sent a card and money. Terry and I got him Under Armour for baseball this summer and a new Iowa stocking hat. I like to say Damon is well loved, make that REALLY well loved. He had a good week at school this week and picked out his elective classes for next year....Spanish and a Design/Technology class.
Iowa Hockey
My cousin's oldest plays hockey for Iowa and we finally got to see a game at ISU. Although we sat in the ISU student section (thanks Cheryl!), we had a great time. Grandma was at our house for the week, so Grandpa met us in Ames and we had dinner before the game at Dublin Bay (Yum!). Damon, E and Josh hung out until the last period and then Josh had to leave for his game in Austin, MN.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Homework vs. Shoveling Snow
Who would have thought that as a kid you would choose to go out and shovel snow over doing a math worksheet, a science worksheet and a little reading.....well, as I pulled in to the driveway this afternoon that's what he was doing. Of course without a coat, hat or gloves. "But moooom, I have my Under Armour on." Seriously, are we going to make it?? I'm a little worried and a lot frustrated. But he's a good kid, right?!? More on that later...
Monday, February 4, 2008
Almost a Teenager / The New "Grill"

For those of you that haven't seen Damon in a while...wow, is he growing up fast. Seems silly to say since he's not a little boy anymore, but it amazes me each day how much closer we are to girls, driving, girls, confirmation, high school, did I mention girls? This girl topic is something he won't discuss with his father or me....so drinks and dinner to the first person who cracks this code of silence regarding girls (I'm serious).
We've also unofficially entered the teenager stage....not quite there according to his actual birthday, but according to his appreciation of homework vs. PS3, oh yeah we're there. I could go on and on, but other than his lack of enthusiasm for school, he's a pretty good kid. More on that later....
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