A few pics from the weekend....
Damon up to bat on Friday against the CR Angels.

Damon playing center field.

Damon and Clayton

We had our first baseball tournament with this team. They boys started out like rock stars and played the CR Angels. Both teams played hard, unfortunately we lost 5-4. But the coaches and parents on the other team had great sportsmanship, so we were hoping for a rematch at the end of the tournament. No such luck, Saturday the boys didn't play well
at all and lost both games. It was disappointing to say the least, they looked so sharp on Friday, so to lose that spunk was frustrating for all...including assistant coach Peterson. Damon was in tears by the time we got in the van, he didn't bat well and blamed most of the loss on himself....I told him it takes an entire team to play that badly (it was U-G-L-Y). Sunday they redeemed themselves, too bad it was too little too late to get into the championship. The boys played their hearts out and ended the tournament on a high note. Grandma Trish, although tired from coming off
mids, got up early for the 8:00 a.m. game...and boy was she glad she did. Terry has moved Damon to the outfield, he hates it, but honestly he's smart out there and you know if a ball is hit his way, well, he catches it. Outfield has become a lot more lively this last year, the boys are getting bigger, faster, stronger and it shows. Anyway, back to proud grandma....a tough catch was hit to Damon in center field, no worries....he made a
WEET catch and with the help of the short stop (the coaches son) giving him a heads up on the runner, "One, one, one!!" Clayton yelled. Damon squared and came up firing. He threw the kid out at first with a throw that even Terry was impressed with...I don't think the first baseman had to move an inch. It was awesome and I yelled like those annoying moms do. That was one highlight of Sunday's game, but Damon hit the ball well and he fielded well...it was a great way to end the weekend.