On another note, I finally saw TWILIGHT! It was amazing and did not disappoint, I can't wait for the rest of the movies (and to finally read the 4th book)! Heather and I finally got our schedules to match and met at the theatre....it was PACKED and we both had to park in the last row....this seemed a little weird because it was a Tuesday night and it was COLD. What the !?@#$ is going on!?! Certainly the rush of love-struck, vampire-wanna-be teens was well over??? I ask the lady in front of me and she responds, "It's BYOB night." My new favorite theatre...Bring Your Own BEER night?!? No such luck....Bring Your Own BUCKET night. Fifty cent popcorn in whatever size bucket you bring (for the record, so not worth the lines and the chaos). However, it was well worth the humor. Heather passed a lady, gasp (loudly) and said, "I'm pretty sure that's a feed bucket and Guthrey's dad uses them on the farm. Seriously, did you see that feed bucket?" Classic.