Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween Weekend

Friday, October 23, 2009
Thanksgiving Invites

Sunday, August 9, 2009
I am truly blessed.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Happy 90th Birthday Grandma Pete
- Making s'more on the stove (yep, it IS possible with an electric stove)
- Girls day pedicures (Grandma's first pedicure ever)
- Boys day golfing
- Grilled food 3 days in a row (tired of burgers and hot dogs!)
- Swimming at the pool (Kings Pointe, in Holstein, and Valley View) - Leo's belly flop and the guys doing flips (or trying!)
- Cameron peeing outside the dugout at his brother's game
- Girls going to "pick up the pizza" -- the boys didn't catch on that it was code for DRINKS FIRST!
- Trish calling her sex on the beach drink : sex in the city, sex in the town, or whatever it was.
- Shawn's kids all in tears because they were the first to leave
- Did we mention s'mores on the stove...The Washington Crew's new favorite thing!

Monday, June 22, 2009
Way to wear it!
- Warm PB&J sandwiches
- Meatball subs
- G2 (Gatorade)
- Mountain Dew
- BWW (Buffalo Wild Wings)
- Beastly (example : "Mom, did you see my beastly bunt?")
- Mad <
> (example : "Yeah mom, David has mad hops.") - Sweet
- Are you serious?
- And finally (and deserving of a photo) - Wear it (example : "Way to wear it Damon!" after he gets hit by a pitch).
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Monica, Phoebe, Chandler, Rachel, Ross, Joey...You've just gotta love FRIENDS
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
You Gotta Have Faith
Monday, April 27, 2009
The family.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Damon and Uncle Tim goofing around :

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Minted. Great ideas!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
New Venture?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A new favorite saying.
It's proven to be a stressful week already. My friends, Heather and Holly, lost their grandpa Monday. It is hard to see their hearts hurt, but is amazing to see the love that these two sisters and their brother have for each other. They are truly blessed to have such a family.
We lost more business at work again this week. Big business. It's starting to get scary, I mean really, really scary. I'm a worrier by nature, and this is not helping. Tomorrow we have a team meeting with the President of our company. That can't be good. I would be willing to take a day or two unpaid if it meant saving my job. Seriously.
I needed a little smile and found this....thought we could all use a smile these days (can someone tell the media to add a little positive news in to their reports, geez.).
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Twilight Series -- Check.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Grandma Pete

I am wishing we had more pictures like these, because of this and because of this and this. I am wishing I had more pictures of my grandparents, more pictures of me with my grandmothers, more pictures of Damon with Grandma Stahl, more pictures of Damon with his grandparents. I just simply didn't take enough pictures back then and I regret it. Today we visited Grandma Pete and took her out to lunch. It's the first time she's been out of the house since she went to the hospital. It was a nice day and she very much enjoyed it. She said it felt like being freed from prison...which is funny since I'm pretty sure Grandma has no idea what that's like! She walks with a walker now and her knee gives her "fits" and sometimes she has to talk to it to make it go where she wants it to. It's fun to listen to her stories and for her to remember when Damon was little and they used to play cards a lot. She remembers everything, her body may be slowing down, but her mind is sharp. It was a good day.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Belated Christmas....