And THEN, the next night another friend brought supper! YES! Do you know how great it is not to have to think about making supper?!? And not only did it feed the family, but the friends that Damon had over too. No photo again...have you ever seen teenage boys when they're hungry??
These two girls are simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I honestly don't know how I got so lucky!
Which brings me to this...the above said supper-bearing friend and I have known each other since college (you know, like a couple years ago). I would like to think we're pretty honest with each other, but apparently that's a new level of our friendship. Why do I say such a thing?!? What kind of friend lets you wear this to the umm bar...I mean library??? And really, what kind of friend doesn't take you shopping for a cute hat....really, Tweety?!?

okay, i am super sure that that hat wasn't yours. I don't even remember the hat I have on. And also, what is funny is that this is EXACTLY the picture that I thought you would post when you said you posted a pic from us in college. I have no idea why I remember this day, but it is engraved on my brain. Glad you liked supper!
cupcakes are my cure for most things in life.
except for people who wear ugly hats. there is no cure for that.
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