Thursday, August 12, 2010

Look who's 40!

Terry's oldest brother turned FORTY at the end of July so my creative, designer-type sister-in-law had a 70's Birthday Party for him...oooohhhh so much fun! Everyone dressed up (I have pics on FB) and we had a great time eating fondue (of course!) and a tie-dye colored cake! We don't exchange birthday gifts, but I couldn't let the day go by I searched online and found this! L-O-V-E it. So I copied it (thank you). I like how it turned out, but I think I like Poca Cosas' black and white polka dot ribbon better. Oh well, still cute.


Our Family said...

Adorable!!! Something we can recreate when you get that old. Hee hee.

MadKanga said...

I love that, too! Totally copying you!!!