Monday, August 25, 2008

One of those days

Have you ever had one of those days when things just didn't start off well and have progressively gotten worse...and your attitude has gone right down the tubes with it? Well, I am having one of those days. Job, family, money (not enough), weight (I have way too much) you name it I'm either pissed or feeling sorry for myself. Either way I need to get out of this funk, because my attitude isn't going to help me any.

Damon & School
Week 2 : So far so good. He's writing in his planner and actually not complaining too much about doing homework. How long do you think this will last? It's probably a good thing he didn't fight me tonight on anything...I'm definitely not in the mood to be rationale. 

On a brighter note, I've started reading "The Last Lecture" and am enjoying it so would think that would be helping me prioritize my thoughts today, not so much. It is an easy read though and it's keeping my attention (I'm not a reader, so this is pretty amazing!). There is one section about why we have our children participate in activities such as sports...I think I'll have Damon read it, maybe he'll understand why we ask him to at least try everything at this point.

I'm off to do laundry, empty/fill the dishwasher, help Damon with homework, correct homework, burn a CD of photos for Heather, email Fair photos to Shauna, get Damon's meds (he's got a rash/acne combo on his chin, poor thing), put away clothes and hopefully go for a walk. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day of School

Let's hope this attitude continues. I called home about 5 times before Damon finally answered. Here's what the big D had to say about his first day :

1. He answered the phone like this : "Hello over-protective mama." I fully admit that I am this mom, the one that wants to know who his friends are and who their parents are. I don't like him roaming the streets or the malls, I want him chaperoned, he's suppose to watch the game not hang out behind the bleachers, I want to meet all his friends. He understands why I am the way I am...and at this point still just makes fun of me....I hope he'll always know that I do it because I don't trust the crazy people out there, I don't trust the parents that don't act like parents should, I don't trust that a teenager won't push his limits to the breaking point -- they're kids. I hope he always knows that I am the "over-protective mama (OPM)" because I love him and he's my I can't imagine without him. Damon answering the phone like this was SO WEIRD friend Heather's oldest started kindergarten this week and like all good parents she was worried about her. Well, to Heather and all the other OPMs out there, you are the parents I trust, the parents I want my kids to hang out with, and I say better to be an OPM than one that doesn't know where their kids are and who they are with. It seems like there are so many more bad things that happen today than when I was younger it scares the hell out of me.

2. I actually LIKE my science teacher this year.

3. No one is in my lunch, thanks mom (with sarcastic attitude attached). This is because he had first lunch with a ton of his buds, but that meant he only had one class before study hall. I called school and changed his schedule so he had two classes before lunch...duh, so he actually would have something to STUDY during STUDY hall.

4. Damon : Lucas is in my study hall.
Mom : Who's Lucas? Is he nice or naughty? (yes even as a teenager I ask these questions)
Damon : (again with the attitude) Ummm, you know Lucas, Greg's son, Powerlife....Duh.
Mom : Oh, from church....(yeah, he's a nice boy! not that church makes you nice, but that's how I happen to know this child)

5. Mom, I HAVE to do well in Spanish, then I don't have to take it in 9th grade. (That's not necessarily true, he'll have to take at least one more year to graduate from Valley I think, but I didn't want to bum him out....and no one reading this better tell him either or you will be adopting a snotty teenager)

6. My team ROCKS (he's on the G team and the word on the street is that the G team is the best).

7. Football was actually fun, but we worked harder than the heavy weights. (he wasn't looking forward as much this year as Ethan decided he didn't want to play - if you haven't noticed they hang out like brothers, it's great)

I have mixed emotions about this year : it's his last year in middle school, he starts school sponsored sports and Valley is big and competitive, he'll be at Southwoods next year as a freshman (YIKES), my one and only baby is growing up too fast and I could cry. For now......It was a great first's hoping it continues to be a great year.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Iowa State Fair 2008, Part 2 Continued

It took about 15 years, countless penny draws/nickel pitchers, singing at the Boathouse (well, really Ivy singing us just off key in the audience!), the loss of a dear friend (we think of Angie often), supportive friends, a memorable bag of cheetos, lots of trips to Al's, a few weddings, boys that came and went, worrying about our own kids, countless laughs and even a few tears and so many card games we've lost count (wait or was that jobs?!)....we'll make new friends, we'll take days to recover, we'll have more tears and more laughs, definitely more card games......we've been through it all, we'll continue to go through it together. We've made friendships that last through the ups and downs, the miles and the months between us, the laughs and the tears....I can't ask for better friends, how did I get so lucky?

Some other favorite moments from the now ANNUAL Iowa State Fair Scavenger Hunt :

1. Scott walking on the Bill Riley Stage and no one caring that there was already another group performing on stage.
2. Roni licking Heather's leg...umm, she spilled her beer and we weren't about to let a $7 beer go to waste.
3. Introductions...a little awkward at first, but when the scavenger hunt started it was game on!
4. Terry wanting to swim in the pool after the concert and Roni encouraging it by saying "he can out run that rent a cop." Rent a cop standing about 5 feet from us, I'm sure he didn't hear her drunken whisper (yeah right!).
5. Roni calling her mom for a ride. (Umm, I'm pretty sure it's not the first time we've called Roni's mom).
6. Linda saying Grimes is on her way and she would have totally taken DD Darcy and crew home (for those of you that don't know, neither Grimes nor West DeMo are on the way to Altoona).
7. Countless WOO-HOOS!
8. How did we spill so much beer?
9. Going through the McDonald's drive-thru the next morning....Roni decided after we ordered that she wanted hash browns and Steph willing to do anything to get them for her. Seriously, it was a big deal.
10. Seeing the house that Roni and Scott bought on line for the first time (it's so cute!)
11. Everyone saying they had the best time ever the next day and the next day
12. Laughing hysterically at pictures

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Iowa State Fair 2008, Part 2

We held the first annual Iowa State Fair Scavenger Hunt on Saturday. Here's who made it this year, some old friends and some new ones : Roni, Scott, Heather, Guthrey, Dave, Stephanie, Darcy, Brent and of course, Terry and I. It started off with a little drinking and a fantastic list (thanks to all who contributed). More to come.....

Next year will be even bigger and better, more pre-scavenger hunt festivities and more friends! Seriously, everyone should do this!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Iowa State Fair 2008

Some of our favorites at the Iowa State Fair....the things we must eat or see :
1. Milk and Cookies
2. Cheese Curds
3. Gyro
4. Sky Ride
5. Silly Pictures
6. People watching
7. The hot new products building....What will Trish come home with this year?!?
8. Strawberry Banana Smoothie
9. Big Boar's & Bull's balls (updated per Holly's comment 8/11)
10. Cold Beer (not one of Damon's of course)

We also saw the baby animals building and saw a chick hatch; Terry drooled over a scooter...yes, a scooter...he's amazed it can go 75 miles before needing charged again; we saw a Clydesdale fall and have trouble getting up - the whole crowd gasp, but eventually he stood and was fine; Damon got a Kirkwood tattoo and water bottle, the guy working said Uncle Dale was his boss; Terry and I got a few more ideas for our scavenger hunt next weekend before the Def Leppard concert!

Friday, August 8, 2008

happy birthday to me

Well, my husband did buy me a birthday present...How do I know you ask? He hid it in a closet I use everyday, good thing he's cute. Anyway, it's what I asked for, not romantic, but I would never buy it for myself, so it's perfect. It's a tripod. Hopefully he picked up another UV lens too (my other request), but if not we'll be getting that tonight as well. Hope everyone has a great weekend, it's suppose to be nice!

Terry and I ate at Dos Rios, downtown Des Moines. It's expensive Mexican food, but the atmosphere was neat and eating on their patio was nice (well, until the homeless guy asked us for money and then I just felt bad). Anyway, they have a great guacamole dip! I ordered the quesadillas and veggies and Terry had 1 steak and 1 shrimp taco. We'd go again for drinks, guac and a taco, so call us if you ever want to go.

Monday, August 4, 2008

My First Wedding Shoot

On Saturday I assisted MandyMiller Photography on my first ever official wedding shoot. I was excited, nervous, anxious, worried and amazed all at the same time. Mandy is a great photographer, check out her photos here or here. She tried to calm my nerves by telling me any photographs I took would just be a bonus....nope, didn't help still nervous. Kid pictures you can retake, who cares if you don't get a scenic shot, but a pretty much have one chance to nail it! Needless to say, I'll leave wedding photography up to the experts, but I had a GREAT time and would LOVE to assist Mandy anytime (Mandy, if you're reading this : hint hint). The bride, groom and entire wedding party was great, I couldn't have asked for a better first experience....well, I should have worn different shoes, but other than that it was AMAZING!

During the ceremony I was in the balcony.

I loved that he was holding up her dress.

In front of the Capitol...we didn't climb the stairs too high....TOO HOT!

Wish she was a little more to the left and that the Capitol was more blurred, but still love how the blue pops. 

The bride and groom did a shot before the reception. He did Jager and she a lemon drop. 

On Sunday, I was hoping to get up for the 9:00 a.m. service, but I was Damon, Terry and I went to the 11:00 a.m. service here. WOW, it's a lot less crowded! It was a wonderful service on prayer and we sang some of my favorites and Damon kept whispering that "this one and that one" were songs from VBS. He doesn't seem to mind volunteering for VBS at all, partly because he gets to be with Ethan and in Monica's class and partly because he does really enjoy the little kids. Oh, and I'm sure my funding of Decaf Carmel Machiatos from Cafe Hope doesn't hurt any. He and Terry both got one on Sunday, Terry is still amazed you can 1. get that stuff at church and 2. drink it during the service and no one thinks twice. It's a little different than his Catholic roots and his hometown church is still very traditional (or at least it is when we attend weddings and funerals). It's nice to visit the traditional services, but..... I like everything about Hope, I always get something out of each service and I feel welcome. Surprisingly enough, if you get involved enough it doesn't seem as HUGE and overwhelming as it did at first. It also has a great youth program, although I think sometimes it can get a little out of control due to the shear volume of reminds me a lot of my church growing up.